Sunday 10 June 2012

who we are and why we are

Are you a boy and you wonder why women are strange?
what are our motivations, when are we being honest and why do we automatically hate most women without even having a chat with them to figure that they wear the wrong kind of shoes?

Women we are- tempestuous we are, beautiful we are, mysterious we are, neurotic we are but more than anything else- we are confused.

 In a time when the glass ceiling has been shattered, unisex is fashionable and the kitchen is frowned upon where do we fit in? What is our identity?
 Am i the Crippled Housewife or am i the Corporate Hedgehog?
 In a time when we compete with men, when reservations in one prestigious institution (st. stephens college, new delhi) are seemingly for men and when women choose lesser children and a bigger paycheque what exactly are we?
Are we the evolved?

Is this the identity of evolution? buying into the world of consumerism and fueling an ever more disillusioned middle class and finding yourself questioning empathy and companionship. It isn't discriminatory of me to state the fact that good looks are an important determinant in your job chances or that uniqueness is a successful stamp on your resume. But what of identity? Does Simone De Beauvoir boast of the second sex as coming of age now or is she worried she may have pointed all our dreams into a sort of competitive nightmare. Competition has crippled us! The need to be the best, this theory extends to all realms of a philosophy that doesn't soothe or satiate irritable questions. It is merely a way to build a bridge over our own mind's abyss- one fueled with meaningless conquests and noise.

Medusa was punished for loving the wrong man and who did we err against? is it our own nature? What is the truth to us and our essence? I believe the answer in a round-about way would be to gauge our faculty of precocious-ness! where do we triumph and where do we falter? We are mothers, lovers, sisters, friends, daughters, goddesses. we aren't machines, and we aren't workers or owners, we are more. And in this time of misplaced greed we are lost to a world hoping to find us our true place.

 Just because plants can't scream are vegetarians to feel more humane? As a girl becoming a woman i find it easy to make friends, easy to love others, but i also find it easy to bitch. and its too much fun. What i don't consider in my attitude is this branding, this judgement has painted that person's personality for A VERY LONG TIME because it isn't hard to find someone like me- i am you and so many more around. Unity is a troublesome word- the nazis used it to bring about death and misery, countries use it to resolve threats against sovereignty and us the women we mostly lack it. We are our vaginas, we are our breasts and we are our minds and hearts. However we mostly see all of these elements are somewhat disaggregated and separate units and that is the failing is it? If so lets see each other for all of that and then see the clothes on our naked bodies. Lets just try and get along together because i'm tired of pretending that i enjoy my independence. I need love. I want to grow to become a human being- not just a consumer, not just successful, but a less confused woman.

And i don't have the answers, just too many questions.