Friday, 2 November 2012

Chicken fillets

You know it is good fun puking onto the Internet about anything and so I want to talk about a somewhat pointless issue.So anyway certain things irk me to the point where I may really want to lambast them through investigation, of course these aren't thorough and I'm a minor bigot.
This episode is a very basic example. Let talk about padded bras!

Is it ethical for La Senza to be in business?
I get the fluorescents and graphic prints selling them
But that's not the trick that has them falling off shelves, is it now?
Two words.

Breast Enhancers.

I don't mean to play rancid here but you know push up, pads, gel boosters, perk me ups...
chicken fillets?

Yup, they exist. 
Chicken fillets are silicone enhancers for breasts that feel and look bigger to a pair of hands and eyes. 
La senza does them and I don't really know if it has hit the here and now in India but well, it's a damn possibility. Think about it, more music videos where a conglomerate of horny editors who can't decide between breast and ass jizz over an extra quick montage of delectable assets. Now you walk into a store playing some song that had a derivative of that montage and you subconscious kicks in and you feel your boobs might not be good enough?
I understand the obsession with fairness creams now coz I mean there's too many famous actresses selling them to us and I didn't have hdtv with the recording option to skip the ads. I don't have a t.v. now and maybe that's why I play safe with choices when it comes to my breasts. I'm not a desensitized rupee note strutting down Palladium with bags of perk me up support but I must admit, that might partially have to do with other reasons, e.g.- lack of an A.T.M. card.
Yes I know, what am I thinking? Must rectify.

Anyway my shopping insolvency is besides the point but I will allow the possibility that chicken fillets might sound a little far fetched to an adequately large vegetarian shop-ulation. The nickname is chicken fillets? I don't know how that's down with people but really even otherwise, what's the big idea!!
(Remember awful Lina in Singing in the Rain?)

Think about the poor guys too;  they sincerely dig breasts and ass and the idea that some take you out on dates based on cleavage might seem disgusting but those just didn't fall too far from the genetic design and what of the elusive after rumple rendezvous?
NOTE: same thing with wisdom teeth by the way; we had them as a third pair of molars before evolution took charge-when all men looked more or less like midget versions of Hyde and we didn't cook and ate food R  A  W. So I suppose wisdom teeth aren't wise at all, just like some men. And even they're having a tough time with the perk it up kits doing the round.
(Just thinking aloud.)

In consolation, a couple of years later there'd be courses on picking out those tricky bras out of a crowd and men would talk about their foob-busting exploits but then its not really too stuck-up of me to say this is a monumentally idiotic hobby. Of course another path is surgeries but I cannot stand for cloning either. And beautiful people everywhere in the richer quarters, hmmm.
Creepy, creepy, creepy.

But mostly, Is it cool to buy padded bras? Well too bad my adders don't compare to sucklemonger assets elsewhere but doesn't the same argument stand for conscience if I boast an illustrious D cup?
This is a question, so answer it? If you managed to read it up till here anyway.

And don't tell me plastic surgery is the same thing. I know that -_-